FATHER BEFOULED "Revulsion of Seraphic Grace"
I guess you´ve heard of Incantion if you read my reviews at this website. And I will talk about them quite a lot in this review. Father Befouled started their short career in 2008 and have this far released three albums, with this their latest as the natural continuation of their blasphemous death metal in the vein of, yes you guessed it Incantation. I guess this band have Incantation posters all over their walls and worship before the altar of their records. Now you maybe will think that this band is just a bad copycat, but that´s not the case here. These guys not only worship Incantation, they pass on their legacy in the best way possible. Father Befouled have done everything right to not just become a clone of the clone. The production, the sound, the guitars, the voice of the vocalist and the song titles with names you never remember, they are all there. The slow and doomy passages too. But even with all these similarites this band have some kind of rarely seen ability to make this music sound like they almost invented this sound. The whole record is just pure professionalism and total dedication to the sound of deprevation and misery. One thing I will complain about though is their ugly logo. Change that logo guys, even with my hardened gaze your logo looks like something I vomited out the night before. And that is not meant in a good way.
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